Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Advertising has Changed, Have You?

So I came across this story yesterday on how P&G put the brakes on their 10 Billion Dollar a Year Budget! Yes 10 Billion dollar a year advertising budget when they the CEO realize that GOOGLE & Facebook could do a way better job. So know I am sure all those big agencies are now scrambling trying to figure out how to get their online marketing caps on and try to win back some business. It just goes to show that sometimes large corporations are slow to adapt to change, but when it hits them directly in the pocket book they will change. It makes sense for Proctor & Gamble to adapt a social media marketing strategy all their products are highly visible and meant for the everyday public, if my agency www.defedemedia.com had a 100k budget for a bar of soap can you imagine what we could do with that! we could amazing things really. What can your business do with new media?

(read the story below)

Matthew Defede is owner of defede media an integrated marketing company.

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